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Articles & Research

In Utilizing digital occlusal indicators to increase occlusal accuracy and decrease complications in implant-supported cases, Dr. Robert B. Kerstein shares his analysis of how digital occlusal indicators results in improved accuracy and less complications compared to traditional methods.


Part II of the Clinical Chronicles of TMD Resolution with Digital Occlusion!


Part I of the Clinical Chronicles of TMD Resolution with Digital Occlusion: Dr. Curtis Westersund, TMD expert and long-time T-Scan user, shares his knowledge and unique, digital protocol for orthotic delivery in this NEW ebook!


In this guide, you'll learn the key drivers used to successfully integrate T-Scan into your practice.


Adding T-Scan to your dental practice is a big investment and every practice is different. See how dentists of different philosophies are using the tool to boost their practice!


In this ebook, you'll learn how dentists use T-Scan™ technology for all types of applications.


What is 15-20 years of peace of mind worth? Not having patients complain because of TMJ symptoms after treatment? Not having patients complaining about broken cusps? Problems with relapse? What is that worth to you for 20 years? T-Scan may appear expensive at first, but in the long run gives you


Throughout this guide, you'll read about dentists from around the world who use T-Scan to improve treatment outcomes, expand their patient population, and grow practice revenue.


I can unequivocally say that I've never purchased a piece of technology that returned an investment faster than the T-Scan™. It is the one piece of equipment that I use on every patient that I work on, especially for full mouth rehabilitation. I just can't live without it. The way technology is


Adding T-Scan to your dental practice is a big investment and every practice is different. Here are some insights into how some dentists are recouping their investment and boosting their business!