Where T-Scan Fits Into Your Everyday Dentistry

Where T-Scan Fits Into Your Everyday Dentistry

Digital Occlusal Analysis Can Improve Your Case Acceptance and Treatment Outcomes

In this ebook, you'll learn how dentists use T-Scan™ technology for all types of applications.

clinical ebook featuring t-scan

T-Scan™ enhances your ability to make occlusal adjustments by providing real-time dynamic occlusal data related to the patent’s bite. This technology provides more accurate data about occlusion​ than observation with articulating paper, shimstock foils, waxes, or bite registration materials.

Where Does T-Scan™ Fit In?

T-Scan fits everywhere, because occlusion affects everyone! Dentists are using T-Scan at every stage of the treatment plan, regardless of treatment philosophy, to increase patient case acceptance, and treatment outcomes.

Discover how you can benefit from T-Scan! The following topics are covered in this ebook:

  • Where digital occlusal analysis fits into modern dentistry
  • T-Scan as an educational tool for patients
  • Case studies – Dentists using T-Scan in cosmetic, prosthetic, and TMD/splint therapy
  • Introduction to a non-appliance approach to treat TMD

Find out how dentists are using T-Scan in their practice!

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Here's another for you: "Why Invest in T-Scan™" features dentists from all over the world who crunch numbers and give you true insight to return on investment.