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Datasheets & Guides

T-Scan™ v10 software comes stocked with enhancements to improve speed and usability, so you can capture bite information easily and efficiently.

Datasheets & Guides

The latest hardware for the T-Scan™ system, the Novus handpiece captures and transfers data from the T-Scan sensor to the software interface, creating a high resolution, accurate representation of the patient’s bite over the entire closure sequence.

Datasheets & Guides

Download the datasheet for a description of the components of the system and system operating requirements. Optional Add-ons are also listed.

Datasheets & Guides

Selecting a gait analysis system can be challenging, there are so many options on the market. Discover which Tekscan gait analysis solution will best fit your practice or gait lab with this guide.


Adding T-Scan to your dental practice is a big investment and every practice is different. See how dentists of different philosophies are using the tool to boost their practice!


With the help of accurate, actionable data - that also eliminates human error associated with observational analysis - you can empower your clients to operate at the highest-functioning physical level possible. Find out how in our new infographic.


What is 15-20 years of peace of mind worth? Not having patients complain because of TMJ symptoms after treatment? Not having patients complaining about broken cusps? Problems with relapse? What is that worth to you for 20 years? T-Scan may appear expensive at first, but in the long run gives you


I can unequivocally say that I've never purchased a piece of technology that returned an investment faster than the T-Scan™. It is the one piece of equipment that I use on every patient that I work on, especially for full mouth rehabilitation. I just can't live without it. The way technology is


Adding T-Scan to your dental practice is a big investment and every practice is different. Here are some insights into how some dentists are recouping their investment and boosting their business!


I use the F-Scan™ system and MatScan™ system because of the results the technology provides. The MatScan system illustrates a comprehensive view of a player and allows me to see any discrepancies with leg length or load-bearing force differences quickly. The F-Scan system enables me to see a players