How to Open a Static TCP Port

If you have a Network License for T-Scan and the Browse dialog for selecting your networked database while updating T-Scan is empty, then you likely need to manually open a static TCP port in your Windows firewall to gain access to the networked T-Scan database.

  1. Log into your server that is hosting the T-Scan database and open your server’s SQL Configuration Manager.
  2. Select "SQL Server Network Configuration" on the left and then double click on "Protocols for TSCAN10" on the right.
  3. Double click on "TCP/IP"
  4. Select the "IP Addresses" tab and scroll to the bottom. Set "TCP Dynamic Ports" to "0" and "TCP Port" to "51444" as shown below, then click Apply.
  5. Click OK when you receive the following warning.
  6. Select "SQL Server Services" on the left and "SQL Server (TSCAN10)" on the right.
  7. Click on the Restart icon to stop and restart the SQL service.

  8. Verify that the SQL Service is restarted and running
  9. Return to operatory workstation and verify T-Scan can see the database on the network.

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