
Pressure and Force Measurement Applications

Tekscan's pressure and force sensors and measurement systems are used in a wide variety of OEM, Research and Development, and Clinical applications. If you don't see your application listed below, contact us to discuss the opportunity.

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Background As motorbike riders control the majority of a bike's functions with their hands (steering, adjusting the throttle, and using the front brake or clutch), hand dexterity performance is crucial for safe riding. Even minor changes to control inputs can cause a rider to lose control of their...

Background Following leg injuries and surgeries, it is critical for patients to reduce weight-bearing activity on their recovering leg and to gradually increase the weight they put on that leg over time. Taking these precautions helps bones and tissue heal correctly. Physiotherapists often help...

Force Sensing Used for Manual Trailer Brake Development GHSP, an innovator in the automotive industry for over 50 years, prides itself on developing products with engineering and design that is sleek and innovative. For this reason, GHSP chose the FlexiForce™ force sensor for the Odyssey II. This...

Force Sensor for More Realistic Video Game Braking Background: Most brake pedals for video racing games contain potentiometers to modulate the brakes. This means that the brake pedal must travel a certain distance to register a change in braking level. Real-life race cars have a different braking...

FlexiForce™ Sensors Used in iShoe Background: Annually, nearly 300,000 Americans suffer hip fractures after a fall, and an average of 24% of hip-fracture patients aged 50 and over die in the year following their fracture, according to the National Osteoporosis Foundation. An MIT graduate student...