Dental Scan eBook On Computerized Occlusion: Using T-Scan™

Dental Scanning eBook - Computerized Occlusion: Using T-Scan

In this free eBook you will learn:

  • How to protect your dental artistry and create beautiful, long lasting restorations with the help of T-Scan™ dental scan technology
  • How bite test technology can be used in any dental practice
  • Several cases that utilize the T-Scan dental scanning device to measure the balance of a patient's bite, including cosmetic dentistry, prosthetic dentistry, splint therapy, TMD, and more.
  • How to minimize destructive forces and adjust dental occlusion with precision

More About Digital Occlusal Analysis with the T-Scan

The T-Scan is dentistry's only digital occlusal analysis system. This dental scan device gives clinicians accurate 2D and 3D representations of bite forces complete with timing information relative to dental occlusion. This valuable information is needed to easily determine and restore the perfect balance of your patient's bite.

Novus images

Join the ranks of progressive dentists all over the world who recognize the benefits:

  • Improved patient communication and education
  • Precise diagnosis
  • Increased quality care
  • Decreased treatment time
  • Enhanced patient education
  • Saved time and money
  • Reduced risk of implant failures, fractured teeth, unstable dentures, ineffective splints, and porcelain fractures

"Because it's hard to judge the 'blue spots' dynamically, the T-Scan adds a significantly higher level of precision to diagnosis and occlusal adjustment. It complements all philosophies for treating occlusal disharmony and, like other digital recordings, allows tracking over time."

- Ronald Jackson, DDS

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