Smart Walker using Force Sensors

Smart Walker using FlexiForce Sensors

Smart walker uses FlexiForce sensors to provide force feedback data to the patient and doctor to help rehabilitation.

Smart Ambulatory Device designed with FlexiForce™ Sensors


According to the present edition of World Population Ageing, globally, the number of older adults (aged 60 or above) is expected to more than double from 841 million people in 2013 to more than 2 billion in 2050. This increase will correlate to a rise in disability, predominantly motor disabilities amongst the adult population. The need for smart ambulatory devices is increasing. These devices will help disabled adults regain "normal gait" and increase their quality of life.


Designing a cost-effective, smart ambulatory device that assists the disabled and helps them regain confidence and independence in their mobility and daily lives.


Researchers at the Centro De Investigación y De Estudios Avanzados Del Instiuto Politécnico Nacional created a smart walker prototype using FlexiForce™ sensors to help patients achieve a more "natural" gait. The device was designed by adding two FlexiForce sensors to the hand supports of a walker and two small motors of DC voltage to the front wheels. The walker's speed is controlled by a microcontroller that uses a pulse width algorithm. The microcontroller communicates via bluetooth, translates the force applied and sends it to the laptop for processing. The changes in the force may be indicative of a neuromuscular disorder or injury. The quantitative data resulting from the load forces allows the user or a doctor to examine and identify irregular load ranges and rhythms, which can be attributed to certain diseases. This smart device allows for a better diagnosis and treatment plan.

Benefits of FlexiForce Sensors

  • Ultra-thin sensor construction and flexibility means minimal interference/disturbance to normal action
  • Accurate response gives your customers and end users confidence in the performance of your product
  • Knowledgeable, experienced technical staff help you develop the most effective, economical sensor based on your specific requirements. All manufacturing takes place at ISO 9001 compliant & 13485 registered Tekscan headquarters.
  • 100% factory inspection ensures your sensors meet established performance specifications

Getting Started with FlexiForce Sensors

FlexiForce sensors are available off-the-shelf in packs of four or eight for testing and prototyping. Visit our online store to place an order, or contact us to discuss customization options with one of our engineers.


• Springer International Publishing Switerzland 2015. A. Braidot and A. Hadad (eds.), VI Latin American Congress on Biomedical Engineering CLAIB 2014, Paraná, Argentina 29, 30, & 31 October 2014, IFMBE Proceedings 48, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-13117-7_182
• United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2013). World Population Ageing 2013. ST/ESA/SER.A/348